the 3 beliefs that restrict abundance

In this teaching we introduce the Taoist teaching on the Law of Attraction and the three beliefs, misunderstandings and myths that block abundance in your life and how you can overcome them.
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David James Lees:
The phenomenon of the ‘Law of Attraction’ has had a renaissance in recent years and was most recently popularised in the 2006 book ‘The Secret’, with many other adaptations following this. You may, however, be surprised to learn that the ancient Taoists have taught the core philosophy of the Law of Attraction for many thousands of years.
This teaching was passed to me by the Chinese Master as: ‘Yi Tao Qi Tao’, or where your intention (Yi) flows (Tao), energy (Qi) flows.
Put simply: the energy you convey through your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions will attract and harmonise similar energy or vibrations from the Cosmos.
Like attracts like!
Through observing nature the ancient Taoists fully understood the action and flow of the pulsating life-force energy they label as Qi throughout the Cosmos. They observed that everything is a different vibration of energy and that energy cannot terminate or die, millennia before modern day science proved this to be true.
They taught that this miraculous energy is what intrinsically connects every single living thing into the Oneness of all there is, all there ever has been and all there ever will be, so that the human concept of linear time is meaningless once you grasp this eternal energetic concept.
Ancient Taoists understood how Qi energy naturally flows, harmonises and resonates just like the vibration of a musical note or chord. Equally, they recognised how Qi energy can be misdirected and stagnated through misguided human conscious and subconscious intention and misdirected physical action.
Through the practices of traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong meditation and Qigong healing, Taoists demonstrated how energetic restrictions of the spirit, mind and body can be dissolved and realigned, releasing the flow of Qi, and how this energy can be powerfully improved and cultivated for total health and wellbeing.
I use this same wisdom of the Tao every day with clients as I work with them to find and release their Qi energy stagnations and misunderstandings, whether it is within their physical body or the imbalanced patterns of their thinking and beliefs.
Once these blocks are released the energy flows naturally and they reconnect and harmonise with the wider flow of positive energy and abundance throughout the Cosmos.
I’d like to share with you the three most common abundance blocking beliefs or myths related to this cosmic energy flow and Law of Attraction work.
Let me show you how to overcome these stagnations of mind-set so that you can begin to attract abundance, manifest your goals and reach your authentic potential and destiny right now!
Block 1:
‘I’m totally focussed on what I want in my life… but I secretly doubt myself’
You cannot LIE to yourself!
Being clear on the goals, people or situations you want to attract into your life is an important first step in ALIGNING your energy so that you create and communicate the appropriate energetic vibration to the wider Cosmos.
Once the goal setting work is done, many people think all you need to do then is to keep on working hard at trying to achieve these goals and that it doesn’t really matter if they secretly harbour doubts or concerns about whether they can achieve these goals or if they’re actually deserving of them.
This is incorrect thinking and it’s a fundamental misunderstanding as to how energy really works.
What you SAY and DO to affirm and action your life goals must also be reflected 100% in your deeper THOUGHTS and core BELIEFS.
If you doubt or have a lack of trust or belief in yourself or the Universe in any way this will always create a strong, energetic resistance that restricts the abundant flow of positive energy into your life.
The key take away here is: ALIGNMENT of INTENTION, or what the Taoists call ‘YI’ .
Your actions, your words, your conscious thoughts and self-talk, and finally your subconscious beliefs, many of which you have carried with you since childhood, must all be aligned and work together in unison and harmony.
You should live your truth with clear, unequivocal and unwavering intention. This truth should run like a golden thread through EVERY part of the energy your express to the Universe without reservation, question or doubt!
For example: you tell friends and family you’d like to attract a great partner in your life, someone who respects and loves you for who you are, and perhaps you also action this by joining new social clubs to meet new people or even try online dating.
The problem is that, despite all these positive words and actions, DEEP DOWN you actually think and believe you’re not lovable and not worthy. This then this becomes the energetic vibration you send out to the Universe: that you’re not good enough and you’re not worthy.
Without the full cooperation and harmonisation of your conscious thoughts and subconscious core beliefs you will NEVER attract what you seek.
This is because your deeper thoughts and beliefs have the power and potential to override any positive words or actions. They are the ‘sat-nav’ that guides your life. They are in the driving seat of the vibration you send out to the Universe and others.
A misalignment between your personal goals and actions and your deeper core beliefs are also why positive affirmations often don’t work.
Creating and repeating positive affirmations can be an extremely powerful way of invoking the Law of Attraction and attracting what you want in your life but ONLY if they are used correctly!
Affirmations will only ever work if you 100% BELIEVE what you are affirming.
So my message is this: never to overlook the energetic power of your thoughts and beliefs.
This is why when I work with my clients on the Law of Attraction we always dig down deep to check and ensure that their belief system is FULLY aligned with their life goals and the things they want to attract. 99.9% belief will NOT do!
This is the way of energy, this is the way of the Tao.
‘The Universe or a Higher Power will decide what I need or deserve and will send it to me.’
You may be unclear or confused about your intention and what you want to manifest or you may express totally the opposite energetic vibration.
When this happens it’s a misunderstanding to believe that, regardless of what energy send out, the Universe or a Higher Power has a greater intelligence that can somehow decipher and work out exactly what you want or need and offer it to you.
If you express the wrong vibration or mixed messages to the Universe is does not think ‘oh, I know better… I know what you need… you actually deserve to have this… even though you’re telling me you’re not worth it or you’re not good enough!’
Remember, the Universe simply aligns and matches your vibration.
This is how ALL energy works: it HARMONISES.
A client who is an orchestra conductor at a music conservatoire once gave me a great teaching on this.
He told me that if you had a tuning fork and a piano in the same room and you then stuck the tuning fork, when the tuning fork sounded and vibrated this would excite exactly the same note on the piano string and the two would vibrate in harmony together.
This is a phenomenon known as ‘sympathetic resonance’ and this is EXACTLY how all energy works. Whatever vibration you send out the Universe will just harmonise with that.
The aim therefore is to harmonise, just like a sailor adjusts and harmonises their voyage with the weather conditions, birds with air currents and fish with the flow of the river or sea.
This is the way of all nature, this is the way of the Tao.
‘I need to get what I want before the next person takes it… and then I need to work hard to keep it.’
Universal and Cosmic energy is in abundance, there is no shortage or limitation. Thinking this way only blocks the flow of positive energy into your life. If you believe there is scarcity, there will be scarcity – this is what you will attract.
Many of my executive clients worry about their competitors, who they believe may steal their business ideas, prospects or clients, but this concern and doubt only serves to send out the wrong vibration to the Cosmos.
I teach them to stop worrying, strategising, comparing and analysing others, and start focusing all their intention on living and expressing THEIR truth and THEIR vision.
The message is: be the best you can be, be uniquely YOU!
For my executives this means gaining clarity on what makes them unique, and then cultivating and expressing this energetically through everything; from their company mission statement right down to the beliefs, opinions and actions of every member of staff, so everyone is working on and expressing the same vibration.
I guess you could say this is “getting all your ducks lined up!”
Only when this happens does the company send out a clear and strong collective vibration of who they are, what they stand for, and the type of projects and prospects they want to attract. Then they begin to manifest the clients who are right for them and attract them in abundance!
Once you have manifested what you want into your life, you may think that you then need to work hard to keep it. Or perhaps you may fret that these positive achievements or successes will leave you, or that someone or something else will take them from you.
Again this is a misunderstanding about how energy works…
All energy must be allowed to FLOW!
Once you have received whatever it is you wanted to attract, whether it’s an exciting new job or great income, a beautiful home, a loving partner or family, you then also have to TRUST that the positive energy will continue to flow into and through your life.
If you start to doubt this flow and the abundance of the Cosmos or you begin to worry about losing these things, this will create an energetic block that will prevent other great stuff from entering your life.
Energy, whether in physical, material or emotional form, cannot and should not be held in one place, it has to flow. If it is artificially held over time it will fester and stagnate and you are now working AGAINST the Law of Attraction.
The key here is that you have to accept that sometimes the things you have attracted may enter and leave your life sooner that you’d anticipated for hoped for.
In ALLOWING this flow to happen and continue as it should, you also remain open to receive fresh, new energy into your life.
This is the way of energy, this is the way of the Tao.
So in conclusion, when working on manifestation, attraction and abundance, think:
Yi Tao Qi Tao
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