3 Inner Child Sabotage Tactics That Block Your Success

episode summary

Discover the top three ways your inner child sabotages your success and stops you living a healthy and authentic life.

In this teaching, you’ll learn why our inner child stops us from following our true path and making healthy and authentic decisions in our lifestyle, relationships or career.

Plus, why we often avoid or make excuses for NOT practising self-care or doing self-development work, even though deep down we know this is required for us to flourish and grow!

Episode highlights

You’ll learn the TOP THREE INNER CHILD AVOIDANCE TACTICS and strategies, and how to spot them!

  • Strategy 1: ‘SEPARATION’
  • Strategy 3: ‘THE MAZE OF CONFUSION’

extra resources

other links

Disclaimer: This show episode and any associated teaching and comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. Our show episodes provide general information for educational purposes only and are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.