coincidence & synchronicity | is the universe guiding me?

Do you ever wonder why bad things keep happening to you, or if life is ‘out to get you’?
Do you believe that you’re being punished or rewarded by forces out of your control?
In EPISODE #11 of our Walk the Wu Wei series you’ll learn why the Universe or a ‘higher power’ cannot guide or manipulate your life, and why YOU are the master of your own destiny.
You’ll discover:
~ the Taoist teaching on why the Universe has not got an ‘intelligence’, and so cannot direct, control, punish or reward you
~ why the Human Centred Mind (Ego) loves to falsely connect and blame someone or something else for any perceived misfortune you encounter
~ how to shape your own destiny by banishing self-doubt and shifting your mindset to see the ‘bigger picture’ of reality
~ how to align and work in harmony with the positive energy flow of the Universe and invoke the Law of Attraction.
watch the video teaching
listen to the podcast
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