creating profound life changes

In this teaching we explain how you can manifest real and positive change in your life by stepping beyond fear and self-doubt.
You’ll learn:
- practical tips and techniques for eliminating the core beliefs that hold you back
- how find clarity on your true purpose, life goals and dreams
- the steps you need to take to turn them into a reality.
listen to the podcast
full teaching transcript
Clients often say to us:
‘I’m unhappy’, ‘I know I need to do things differently’, ‘I really want to change but…’, ‘…I feel stuck’, ‘…I feel overwhelmed by the size of the challenge…’, ‘…I can’t manage this…’ ‘…it’s all too much for me…’
Some believe they’ll never be able to transform their lives. They say things like: ‘I’m too tired to do this…’, ‘I’m too busy…’, ‘I’m not clever enough do this…’, ‘I might as well give up trying now because I’ll never get it right…’, ‘things always go wrong for me…’
Or they believe that they can’t change themselves and their behaviour because it’s their nature, or that negative childhood experiences have moulded them into something that fixed and stuck forever.
Finally, many clients are also fearful of what living THEIR truth may mean for their relationships. They worry that their partners wouldn’t like it if they changed or that it may upset the people close them.
Do any of these statements or scenarios resonate with you?
They are typical of the misunderstandings and lies that we all tell ourselves from time to time, so you’re not alone!
These are all incorrect thoughts and beliefs that stop you from living to your happiest, fullest and most authentic potential. So why not choose to let them go and speak your truth today? This power of choice and self-responsibility is yours – it’s a wonderful gift – so use it!
When you release your misguided and limiting thoughts and beliefs, you’ll experience a huge energetic shift to a place of inner-balance and harmony.
This what the Taoist teach as ‘Wu Wei‘.
Wu Wei means:
- Being enough and being at one. Accepting and loving your uniqueness… not constantly setting unrealistic personal targets or criticising yourself
- Being creative, resourceful and able to authentically manage any life situation… not undermining your self-worth and potential just so you can avoid uncomfortable the ‘red light’ feelings that unfamiliar or challenging life situations may present
- Being enough and being at one…. accepting and loving your uniqueness… not constantly setting unrealistic personal targets or criticising yourself.
- Being creative, resourceful and able to authentically manage any life situation… not undermining your self-worth and potential just so you can avoid uncomfortable the ‘red light’ feelings that unfamiliar or challenging life situations may present
- Being authentic and honest with yourself and others… not compromising your truth, true spirit, or what the Taoists call ‘Shen’, just so you can please or placate others
- Living with integrity.
For some clients this shift can happen instantly, almost like flicking a switch. For others it can take a little more time as we may be uncovering decades or a lifetime of lies and misunderstandings and also dealing with the elaborate avoidance strategies they have created to protect and keep these incorrect beliefs.
Once we’ve exposed these beliefs then they can then make the personal choice to let them go. They can choose to begin to live authentically and truthfully.
You too can do this right now!
Here’s some practical tips to get you started….
1] Be more real and realistic
If you want to make changes in your life, first make sure your goals are REAL – by this we mean that they belong to you and reflect your authentic truth.
So they’re not what you think you OUGHT TO be doing when you compare yourself to you friends, peers or people you see in magazines. They’re also not what you think you SHOULD be achieving, to please others… to meet their expectations….or to ‘prove yourself’ to some kind of ‘faceless jury’!
Your life change or goal could be something really huge. Only YOU have the power to place limitations on yourself. Never be intimidated by your own greatness.
Or your life change or goal could be really simple, stripped-back and low-key. Don’t think that you’re a lesser person for not chasing fame and fortune if it’s not your true calling. Remember you’re already divine and magical, so just follow your dream!
Once you have your goal set then it’s time to get REALISTIC.
Now we don’t mean compromising or chipping away at your dreams but instead stepping away from the bigger picture of the end goal and thinking: ‘OK what can I realistically achieve this year?….’
Then break it down some more and ask yourself: ‘what can I realistically achieve this month, this week, today?’ Do this exercise truthfully and honestly.
By setting realistic targets like this you avoid overwhelming yourself with the size of the task and you start to achieve small but valuable steps towards success. There is great power in making and keeping a small promise to yourself every day!
You’re no longer setting yourself up for failure or feeling like you’re on a relentless uphill climb and struggle. You’re beginning to focus less on the destination and more on simply enjoying the journey And guess what? You’re now also pausing to take in the beautiful view along the way!
This takes us on to our next tip…
2] Be grateful
Recognising your progress and your successes, no matter how small, is vitally important as you begin to take self-responsibility for your change in your life. You need to become your own cheerleader and supporter on this adventure of self-discovery.
Equally important is taking the learning and value, or what the Taoists call ‘the blessing’, from anything that doesn’t work out quite as you expected or wanted, or the setbacks you encounter.
Keeping a daily journal is a perfect way to do this. Perhaps just before you go to bed take out your journal or notebook and write down the positives and negatives of the day. At first it will be much easier to write down all the negative stuff, but for every negative there must ALWAYS be a positive – this is the way of all things – this is Yin and Yang.
So take time to identify these positives – don’t stop until the list is balanced, realistic and fair to you. Then congratulate and be proud of yourself for any personal achievements or progress made no matter how small. Be kind and loving and supportive to yourself as you acknowledge any negatives. Take the learning – this is a learning situation. Ask where is the love in this situation or outcome for me?
And remember: life always offers you a second chance – it’s called tomorrow!
And our final tip…
3] Be more mindful
By meditating or focusing inwards for even 5 minutes a day you can quieten the chatter of your mind, take control of your thinking and tap into your inner wisdom, creativity and resourcefulness.
Once you learn the simple practice of pressing the ‘pause button’ like this you’ll be able to empty your mind of all the misunderstandings, worries and fears that crowd out the voice of your authentic truth.
Over time you can also introduce some self-enquiry questions into your daily meditations – asking yourself just three letters: W-H-Y, ‘why?’… This will start a dialogue with your softer ‘Yin Spirit’, your ‘authentic-self’, your ‘inner-self’, or ‘inner-child.
This is the part of you that has become quieter, more subdued and yielded to the misunderstandings, untruths and unrealistic and critical demands of your Yang Ego mind.
We can practice this right now….
So perhaps find a place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 5 minutes, then sit comfortably in your chair, drop your shoulders, breathe deeply and rhythmically.
Now start to observe and focus you attention on your breath…
If you mind gets distracted by any thoughts just allow them to float in but don’t hold onto them. They are not for now… let them go like fluffy clouds phasing in a blue sky…
When you’ve found a place of inner stillness and settled your monkey- mind chatter now you can begin a dialogue with your authentic inner-self…
Now you can start a dialogue with the magical divine part of yourself…
Ask yourself:
- Am I reacting to life, external situations or other people rather taking control of my own destiny?
- What are the harmful misunderstandings and lies are blocking me?
- What is stopping me from letting go of these negative thoughts and beliefs?
- Who would I be without these lies and misunderstandings? What would I be doing right now? What would my life be like?….
[listen to the full guided meditation on the audio recording above]
This is your life, you mind, your destiny. Achieving profound change in your life is not fairy tale or an unrealistic dream. Once you take control of your mind-set, your thoughts and beliefs ANYTHING is possible.
We believe in you – you can do this!
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