letting go of your emotional medals of honour

Understand and let go of the thoughts and beliefs associated with negative past events so you can powerfully shift the energy of your life story…
When you choose to hold onto and carry forward the thoughts and beliefs of negative past events you are creating an energy or a ‘story’ that becomes very familiar as it repeats over and over from your childhood and formative years, right into your present.
It’s like letting your immature inner-child dictate and restrict your current authentic potential and the many possibilities of your adult life. This can never, EVER, be helpful or successful!..
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full teaching transcript
David James Lees
Do you hold onto uncomfortable, painful memories from your past and believe these events define and limit you and your self-worth today?
This is a misunderstanding of your true Tao nature.
Do you believe that the historic actions of other people, events and circumstances, perhaps from many decades ago, are responsible for your current life situation or happiness?
This is a misunderstanding of your self-responsibility.
Are you using your past negative experiences like a ‘badge of honour’ or justification that excuses you from taking full ownership of your true authentic potential?
This too is a misunderstanding of your truth, honesty and integrity.
If you can recognise any of these patterns of thinking or beliefs, the good news is that there are valuable spiritual and life changing lessons for you to learn within these misunderstandings.…
When you choose to hold onto and carry forward the thoughts and beliefs of negative past events you are creating an energy or a ‘story’ that becomes so familiar as it repeats over and over from your childhood and formative years, right into your present. It’s like letting your immature inner-child dictate and restrict your current authentic potential and the many possibilities of your adult life.
If this seems familiar to you, RIGHT NOW you are still living that old tired story!
This can never, EVER, be helpful or successful!
I was reminded of this important spiritual teaching by an elderly gentlemen client several years ago. This man had strained his back whilst working on his allotment and visited Peak House Practice the first time for an acupuncture treatment.
He was a well presented, tall, distinguished man with white hair wearing a black blazer, white flannels and highly polished shoes, but the most striking thing about him was the extensive rows of medals and ribbons he was wearing across his chest.
I could not help but mention to him that I’d noticed his impressive array of medals, and this gave him the opportunity to explain the story and significance behind each one in turn.
As the stories continued the gentleman became more animated and creative in his descriptions of his acts of bravery and the memories of his friends and colleagues involved on the battlefields.
After hearing these wonderful inspiring stories and experiences we continued with the appointment as normal. The treatment proved to be successful and I have never seen or heard from him since, but my military gentleman did leave a very deep and lasting impression with me on many levels.
Certainly, the opportunity to speak with someone who could bring to life the experiences of the young men who fought with honour and pride for their country, was very moving and poignant to me.
The other thing that stuck with me was the question as to why he felt it was necessary to wear all his medals to such a mundane medical appointment.
It was very noticeable that, as he recited his obviously well-rehearsed stories, he became more relaxed, animated, even joking about the grossly horrific scenes, as if that was the way he dealt with his fear of loss or dying – was this familiarity a form of avoidance, or testimony of the horrors he had experienced?
One of my most important insights from this particular session comes from the way my gentleman client so keenly held onto the story and energy of these historic and poignant life events and displayed them in such a tangible and graphic way.
Although few of my clients have been exposed directly to the horrors of war, many do still carry with them challenging, painful and unresolved personal and emotional turmoil associated with their early years. Perhaps we could also think about these experiences as their own ‘emotional battles’.
These experiences vary in their nature and severity and may include things like childhood physical, emotional or sexual abuse; a perception of being unloved or rejected in some way by their parents; being bullied at school; or encountering a situation that caused unsettling feelings of injustice, unfairness or embarrassment.
My clients may not bear the physical scars or have the medals to show for the personal battles of childhood and adolescent years yet many do continue to hold onto and re-live these experiences as their personal ‘medals of honour’, but this time through their familiar, yet misguided thoughts, words and actions.
When these habits become entrenched they can also manifest in the more physical signs of self-abuse or self-harm associated with excessive eating, drinking, and drug-taking… perhaps these are now the modern-day ‘medals of honour’?
Holding onto the energy of their personal stories means my clients remain stubbornly blocked and locked into their past. Their history defines who they are: it becomes the excuse and justification for their present AND the ‘get out of jail card’ for their non-authentic future.
Think for a moment: are you letting your past negative experiences shape the person you are today, the relationships you have, the work you do, and how you live your life?
Do you use the painful memories of past experiences as a familiar story or ‘comfort blanket’ that you can retreat to when faced with the unknown, unfamiliar or potentially emotionally painful situations?
Can you recognise any of the following patterns of thinking in your mindset or the mindset of people close to you?
‘If it wasn’t for that happening, or what he or she did…. then I could get on with my life…’
‘I’m not good enough’
‘I can’t cope’
‘I’m unlovable’
‘He/She made me feel like this…’
‘I just can’t let it go… I can’t forgive…’
‘Life is unfair – this always happens to me…’
‘I deserve this.’
‘I’m not worth it’.
Although the things that may have happened to you in the past are profound, uncomfortable and even horrific, they do not and should not define who you are today.
You are MUCH more than your past; you are a loved, you are love; you are a reflection of the magnificent Cosmos that you are a vital part of; there can be NO separation, just a divine Oneness!
As an adult you possess the blessings of free-will and choice. You can now choose whether to hold onto the energy of powerful or painful past experiences or whether to LET IT GO.
Remember it takes a great deal of effort to hold on… and this will NEVER be successful!
Through the practice of mindful meditation you can now choose to question, rebalance and heal any childhood misunderstandings associated with the painful emotional feelings you still experience today.
You can choose embrace the spiritual lessons offered by past experiences so you can learn and move on.
You can choose release the harmful core beliefs, thoughts and stories that you have carried with you, perhaps for many decades, so that they longer impact your adult life today.
You can choose to cast off the familiar yet limiting comfort blanket of the past and authentically step into the unknown, trusting that you are not judged for you past, but are loved, held and supported by a Universe of love and abundance.
Meditate and consider:
Are you carrying painful memories and experiences from the past that remain your story and ‘medal of honour’ today?
What benefit are they to you?
Do they stop you from reaching your true, authentic potential?
Who would you be without these ‘medals of honour’ and life stories?
Who controls your thoughts and beliefs?
What would it take for you to let go of your inauthentic and unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, and create your new story that reflects the positive and divine energy of who you really are …
How can begin to do this today?
You have free choice…. I believe in you… You can do it right NOW!
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