stop seeking approval | how to beat self-doubt

Seeking external reassurance and validation to know you are good enough will NEVER work. Discover how to beat self-doubt and learn to truly love yourself…
Do you depend on others (your partner, family, friends etc.) to tell you that you’re OK… but you still believe you’re not good enough?
Are you always comparing yourself with other people?
Do you constantly worry about people judging or criticizing you?
In EPISODE #10 of our Walk the Wu Wei series you’ll learn why these harmful strategies will never work, and how to replace them with unwavering self-love, self-approval and confident self-assurance.
You’ll discover:
~ How to break the habits of people pleasing and seeking ‘positive strokes’ from others to know you are enough
~ How to connect with and heal your inner-child to overcome any self-doubt arising from your childhood
~ How to look within you for powerful guidance, support and love whenever you need it.
watch the video teaching
listen to the podcast
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