the inner child explained | how to love, guide & heal your inner child

The inner child is a vital part of you that should be nurtured and treasured. We explain exactly what the inner child is, how it can impact your adult life choices and potential, and simple steps to work with and heal your inner child.
With practical emotional and spiritual advice and tips from ordained Taoist master and experienced therapist, David James Lees.
In EPISODE #18 of our Walk the Wu Wei series, we demystify the inner child. You’ll learn how unresolved inner child issues can impact your physical and emotional wellbeing, and how to work with your inner child for greater health and happiness.
You’ll discover:
~ the powerful Taoist spiritual teaching on the inner child, and why it is NOT your enemy or separate from you
~ how childhood events can block, stagnate and ‘lock in’ the energy of your inner child, and how this can still profoundly affect you as an adult
~ how to spot when your blocked inner child is affecting your thoughts, actions and emotions
~ why doing inner child work is vital to your emotional and spiritual development
~ how to communicate with, guide and heal your inner child so that together you can become a formidable team
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