learning from & letting go of the past

In this teaching I’d like to share my Taoist Wu Wei Wisdom on the affirmation: ‘Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you’.
I’ll explain the value of letting go of past hurt and injustices; why holding on to negative emotions will never work for you; and how to reveal the ‘spiritual blessing’ within every challenging or difficult life situation.
The teaching includes a short guided meditation with powerful affirmations to help you find the lesson within past events and move forward positively with your life.
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David James Lees:
‘Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.’
This is a translation of a wonderful Taoist teaching that encourages you to meditate on changing your perception of emotional pain and upset. Remember, you are the creator of your emotions, not the victim of them!
When you rigidly hold onto any negative feelings and emotions associated with a past situation or event this blocks you energetically. So instead of recreating the severe and intense historic pain, look for the blessing of the spiritual lesson that situation offered you.
If you do not learn this spiritual lesson it will re-present itself to you time and again until you do! The Taoists teach this as the “energetic carousel” and you may have noticed or experienced a repeating of a particular negative experience or situation throughout your life in this way.
You can apply this teaching to your life in a number of ways use it to meditate on and re-frame your understanding about any past situations. This could be an event that was profoundly negative and life changing, such as emotional, physical or sexual abuse, or it could be an injustice or unfairness that you encountered, which could be extreme or more subtle – either way the emotional energy of the situation may still linger with you.
Remember, you cannot change the past: what happened has happened, but once you learn the spiritual lesson being offered by that situation you CAN change and control the way you remember, perceive and deal with those events.
In doing this powerful meditation exercise you take back control of the past situation and in turn your energy now also begins to change as you as you reclaim responsibility for your own mind, body and life. You step off the energetic carousel of past events and walk towards your authentic fulfillment and spiritual potential.
Many clients have great difficulty letting go of feelings of hurt or injustice and I always ask them the same question: “why are you holding on?”
Holding on to these feelings will only keep you on the carousel of despair! And most of the time it’s because holding on has become habitual and familiar, not because it is what they would authentically choose to do now – it’s just that they’ve never considered being proactive and taking control of the situation and their emotions.
Once you are able to look past the emotional pain you will experience the awakening to the spiritual lesson being offered and your life and outlook immediately changes.
Your emotional feelings are very important so learn how to use them correctly. Take this opportunity today to step away from any righteous indignation and the “illusion of confusion” and the accompanying intense ‘red light‘ feelings such as: sadness, hurt, anger, guilt or injustice, that your mind creates to keep you trapped on the carousel.
Remember the old wife’s tale: “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” The only TRUE compensation for injustice and unfairness IS the spiritual lesson being offered.
Never underestimate your ability to deal with and let go of past situations authentically or power of believing in yourself! No one can ever affect your spirit, only you! So, stop isolating yourself and creating a separation from the spiritual oneness of the Tao. Stop focusing on the past and instead align with the balanced and harmonious Wu Wei of being an optimistic realist. Focus on the spiritual radiance that makes you extraordinary, amazing and awesome!
The truth is you are divine, and no emotional pain can ever affect that truth!
Here are some powerful affirmations for you to consider when meditating on uncomfortable or painful life events. If you feel an internal resistance to any of these statements you know there is still a spiritual lesson to be learnt – I hope they offer you new insights…
- People do not always act how I would like them to – I choose to accept this. I understand they are on their journey
- I cannot control other people or situations – I choose to let go and focus only on being the best I can be
- Other people may hurt my body and mind but they cannot touch my Spirit
- Fairness and justice is a Human concept, balance is Spiritual one – I will always seek balance and harmony in any difficult situation
- I will meet challenges in life but I will always cope and grow stronger as a result – I am a survivor.
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