how to practice loving-kindness for self-healing

Nov 28, 2017 | Other Popular Teachings


What are loving-kindness and self-compassion practices?…

What are the benefits of loving-kindness meditation?…

How can I practise loving-kindness in my daily life?

In EPISODE #32 of our Walk the Wu Wei series we answer your questions and guide you through a powerful short loving-kindness meditation*.

You’ll learn:

~ the Taoist spiritual teaching on self-love and self-compassion (Ch’ang) and why you DON’T have to ‘earn’ love

~ what loving-kindness practice teaches us about self-acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves and others

~ the benefits of loving-kindness practice and meditation for your emotional and physical health, your energy and vitality, and your relationships

~ how to use loving-kindness meditation to channel the flow of Universal energy (Qi / Chi) to yourself first so that you can then give it out to others

~ why self-love and self-compassion is not selfish, and how to find the balance between caring for yourself and caring for others

~ the mindset and Ego ‘blocks’ that create resistance and stop loving-kindness practice from working – plus practical advice and tips on how to how to overcome these blocks.

*Our short 2-minute loving-kindness meditation is at @ c. 20 minutes into the video.

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