nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished

Discover how to be like nature, control your mindset, live authentically and get things done…
This is a short extract from a live teaching webinar session with David.
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David James Lees:
So this teaching, about nature never hurries but everything gets accomplished, like all Taoist teachings, it’s based on what the Taoists call: ‘Tai Chi’ – we call it: ‘Yin – Yang’… because once you create an energy, every energy has to have a Yin and a Yang.
And so this concept goes right back to the Yin – Yang of us, of who we are: our human-centred mind and our Shen – our spirit.
The nature of the mind will always be that it wants to rush and it wants to hurry.
It does not trust the unknown.
And the mind sees the Shen and the spirit as the unknown. Because it’s something that it can’t touch… it’s something it can’t see… and so it classes it as: ‘the unknown’.
So, rather than trusting the unknown… the Shen… or the Law of Attraction… or whatever, the mind will always want to take control.
Now remember what we spoke about last time: the mind is not your enemy – it’s not trying to hurt you. What it is trying to do is to protect you – it’s trying to keep you safe.
And so it will always want to rush you through to somewhere that it ‘perceives’ is safer.
And the ‘safer’ is back onto, what the Chinese call ‘the carousel’… back to the old familiar ground, like a comfort blanket. Going back to the old thinking…. going back to the old way of doing things, even though that way has never worked for you in the past.
So, when you get this experience of being rushed or being hurried… of not being able to give yourself time to think, that to me is when meditation really comes into its own.
And you know you’ve heard me say hundreds and hundreds of times: I believe everyone should meditate for 10 minutes a day because it gives you this ability of experiencing yourself when you’re calm…. when you’re trying to control the mind…. when the mind is not rushing away with you.
This may not be a great analogy but, if you think about the mind is like a pet dog pulling you all over the place, you have to train the mind.
And the way you train the mind is through stillness and quietness.
The way you train your mind is not being drawn into the ‘quickness’ of how your mind wants to think.
The way you resist that and you come back into your centreline… you come back into the centre… you take a breath.
And that allows you to view the mind for what it’s trying to do, and it allows you to connect to your true Shen or spirit.
So whenever you feel rushed… whenever you get that feeling that you would call ‘rushed’, you know the mind is in control.
If you ever try to avoid a difficult situation and you feel rushed to say something… to please somebody… or to stop an argument… you know the mind is in control.
It’s much better if you just revert back to your Shen, take a breath, and come back to what’s important to you.
And if you go to the root, whether you’re dealing with someone… whether you’re dealing with your own issues… not being caught up in the whirlwind of your mind spinning you around… instead going back to the root of what you really want…. of who you really are…. and trying to cut through the illusions that the mind sets up…. the avoidances that the mind sets up…. the blockages and the stagnations.
And that’s why this symbol of Yin and Yang is so important.
Everything I talk about is based on this symbol… that once you have an energy, for the energy to be whole, it has to have a Yin and a Yang.
You have to understand the Yin and the Yang before you can understand the energy.
So, before you can understand you as a person, you have to understand the nature of your mind… you have to understand how the mind works.
But you also have to accept that you control your mind – your mind does not control you.
And through meditation…. through stillness…. through quietness…. the mind doesn’t know how to deal with that.
So when you refer back to the stillness, and when you find that inner stillness, you have a much better chance of controlling the mind.
….Another translation that I did was from Master Wan actually, and he was giving this group teaching.
He says: ‘you can’t keep pulling up a flower to check the roots’.
And that’s so true!
You know when a flower isn’t growing, if you keep pulling it up to check the roots are healthy, it’s never going to grow.
And sometimes we have to give things time to mature, and the mind sometimes doesn’t like this and it will want us to rush on.
But, whether that’s a relationship, a business project… sometimes as long as you’re in your Shen – your spirit, as long as you’re being true to yourself… we sometimes have to trust that nature will take its time.
Everything will get accomplished as much as we want it.
If we plant a lettuce seed, it will grow in its own time and what we have to do is to nurture the seed.
And this is exactly the same for us: we have to nurture ourselves, by keeping in our truth… by not lying…. by being authentic… by having integrity…. by speaking the truth to everyone.
And that starts off with yourself.
So the first lesson in…. nature never hurries and everything gets accomplished… is to have that degree of truth for yourself.
Never lie…. never give any false ideas…. never follow something that you know to be wrong…. because you will be hurrying.
So be true to yourself first of all. And that should be relatively easy to be honestly true to yourself.
And then the next step is to be true to other people. Never lie to other people.
And I understand that that does take skill: to be able to deliver that truth to other people is not the easiest thing to do in the world.
But again, if you take your time…. you don’t have to rush… you don’t always have to give the answer to the question. It’s okay to say to somebody: ‘that’s very interesting, I need to think about that’… it’s very good to say: ‘I’ll get back to you…’ as long as you do get back to them – this is not ‘avoiding’, as long as you do get back to them.
So don’t be rushed into making decisions that you know are not authentic.
Everything you say should be coming from your spirit, from your Shen, from who you really are.
And when you do that, that keeps and strengthens this connection with nature because you’re acting and vibrating as nature…
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