scentscaping: harnessing the power of fragrance in your home

Feng shui teaches that all our senses can detect changes in the energy or ‘Qi’ (Chi) of our environment and that this can have a positive or negative affect on our emotions and wellbeing…”

Extracts from this interview were featured in the September 2017 edition of Fit & Well Magazine.
scentcaping: the basics
What is scentscaping?
Scentscaping is about using a range of scents and fragrances in different rooms in order to create particular ‘energy’ or ‘mood’ in the space that will positively stimulate the senses for its users.
For feng shui experts and interior designers, the choice of scents is carefully considered alongside other sensory stimulants such as a colour, light, texture and sound.
In the West, scentscaping was first used in the corporate world in upmarket hotels, spas and retail stores to produce a welcoming ‘signature’ experience for customers.
Historically, the idea of using scents to influence mood dates to ancient times when fragrant oils and josticks were used to create a relaxing and reverent atmosphere in places of traditional ceremony.
Why is scentscaping so effective?
Feng shui teaches that all our senses can detect changes in the energy or ‘Qi’ (Chi) of our environment and that this can have a positive or negative effect on our emotions and wellbeing.
By using a range of fragrances around your home you can stimulate or calm the energy of a room or space.
For example, in busier rooms of your home, such as a kitchen or home-office, you would want the energy here to be more uplifting to match the use of the room, so you could use fresh and stimulating fragrances. By contrast, in bedrooms or a living room where you like to relax and unwind, you could use more soothing floral and oriental scents.
In feng shui, fragrance can also be used as a ‘remedy’ to overcome any ‘stagnations’ and ‘blockages’ of energy in rooms that may be caused other unpleasant and unwanted smells, such as damp or external traffic fumes.
scentscaping tips
Does the time of day make any difference to the power of scents or fragrances?
You should consider what a room or space is used for at different times of the day and then choose scents to support these activities.
For example, in the morning you may want your dining room to have a vibrant and uplifting vibe as you breakfast, but in the evening you may prefer the same room to have a more relaxed and cosy atmosphere. Different scents can be used in the same room at different times of the day help support these shifts in activity and mood.
Is it better to use real flowers or can candles/oils be as much benefit?
Natural, non-synthetic fragrances and oils are best as these have the strongest Qi energy. You can use fresh flowers, fragrant houseplants and indoor herbs, aromatherapy oils in burners and candles or a homemade room spritz – whatever option is practical and affordable for you.
Using plants and flowers in your home can bring additional feng shui benefits. Nature has a positive Qi energy and being in contact with nature by arranging flowers, tending to plants and enjoying their changing form, colour, and texture, will also have a positive effect on your energy and health.
If you use flowers at home, is there a negative effect when they start to die?
Once a plant or flower starts to die you should dispose of it with love and gratitude. The decaying means that the energy of the plant or flower will no longer be beneficial and this is why dried (or artificial) flowers are discouraged in feng shui.
When it comes to flowers, could the colour of them make a difference even before you’ve smelt them?
The colour of a flower or plant can have an equally stimulating or calming effect on your own energy and so you don’t need to be able to smell its fragrance for this to happen.
Is it OK to just walk past flowers or do you recommend sitting nearby and meditating/deep breathing etc?
Scent can often infuse a whole room so you don’t necessarily need to see or be near the flower or plant to benefit from it.
To heighten your sensory experience you can position any flowers or plants where they are more visible or closer to where you sit. Spending just 5-10 minutes sitting quietly, focussing your attention on the flowers or plant and mindfully enjoying their scent, colours and form is also a great way to meditate, relax and calm your mind.
scentscaping and the emotions
Which scents influence which emotions?
Chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang and vanilla are just a few calming scents – you can use these to help you de-stress, relax and unwind. By contrast, lemon, peppermint, pine and fennel are great for stimulation and to help you overcome tiredness and boost your creativity and focus.
The effect that a particular scent has on your emotions is also very personal. This is often because scents tap into your memories and any historic associations you have with a particular smell, which can be positive or negative. For example, a particular perfume or scent could remind you of a much-loved grandparent or a happy summer holiday.
Plants and flowers for calming and relaxation
- Lavender – its herby scent and muted lilac, purple and green colours have soothing and calming properties
- Jasmine – the musky pungent scent and delicate appearance of its white flowers calm the senses.
- Rose – the heady floral scent of roses (either as cut stems or small indoor rose plants) coupled with flowers in soft dusky creams and pinks are great for creating a calm and serene atmosphere in any room.
Plants and flowers for re-energising
- Geranium – its leaves contain a stimulating and uplifting scent and you can also choose a geranium with bold and vibrant red or pink flowers for extra energetic pizazz.
- Eucalyptus – the fresh, stimulating smell of eucalyptus leaves and stems create an uplifting and invigorating atmosphere in a space.
- Freesia – the peppery floral scent of freesia, particularly with bright pink, oranges and yellow flowers is great for awakening and brightening the senses.
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