skin care solutions + traditional chinese medicine

In this interview for Natural Health Magazine David James Lees shares his traditional Chinese medicine wisdom to help boost your skin health and resolve common skin conditions.
“…Skin problems are often the first visible sign of physical or emotional disharmony within the body and they can also be the most challenging symptom to resolve, so that is why expert help is often required…”

traditional Chinese medicine + skin health issues: the basics
The skin is the largest organ in the body and it works very hard for you. It’s the first line of defence against external pathogens, it insulates the body and eliminates toxins through sweat.
The condition of your skin also reflects the balance of your internal energy and the health of all your other organs. Skin problems are often the first visible sign of physical or emotional disharmony within the body and they can also be the most challenging symptom to resolve, so that is why expert help is often required.
In Chinese medicine, common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or acne arise from a ‘qi’ (chi) energy imbalance caused by excess ‘heat’, ‘damp’ or ‘wind’ within the body. Excess ‘damp’ may produce swelling, weeping and itchiness of the skin; excess ‘heat’ can manifest as inflammation and redness of the skin; and a dry and itchy skin can be a sign of excess internal ‘wind’.
In Chinese medicine, skin problems are also typically connected to an imbalance of the energy of the Lungs. The Lungs are associated with worry, anxiety, and grief, and so if you experience any of these types of emotions this can affect the condition of your skin.
For a natural approach to resolving skin conditions, I often recommend Chinese herbs and acupuncture used in combination with some simple lifestyle and nutritional changes. In contrast to topical creams, Chinese herbs and acupuncture work internally to gently restore inner balance and produce healthy, glowing skin.
Chinese herbs are used to create ‘decoctions’ or tea that can be drunk. There are several hundred different herbs and I only use those of plant origin (roots, seeds, flowers, twigs, and barks). A bespoke combination of between 3-18 herbs can be combined into a formula to help treat a specific skin complaint. Remember that you should never self-prescribe herbal medicine as it can be very potent and harmful if used incorrectly. In the UK the British Acupuncture Council website is a good place to find a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner near you.
diagnosing skin health issues using traditional Chinese medicine
The precise cause of a skin condition can vary between individuals even if the presenting symptoms are the same. This is why a comprehensive diagnosis of physical, emotional and lifestyle factors is vital before I create a bespoke treatment plan.
For severe skin conditions, I normally also recommend that a client has a blood test with their GP first to check for things like hormonal imbalances or iron deficiency.
As well as a visual examination of the skin, I will also perform a Chinese medicine ‘pulse’ and ‘tongue’ diagnosis to detect any internal ‘qi’ energy imbalances and a talking therapy diagnosis to understand if emotional issues are a contributing factor. Taking a case history of health, lifestyle or dietary patterns or changes is also important.
common skin problems + traditional Chinese medicine solutions
Listed below are the typical causes and treatments of common skin conditions based on a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis and recommendations. NB. This is intended as a general guide only as the precise cause and treatment plan for any skin condition will always be unique to each client.
In addition to Chinese herbs and acupuncture, I often use talking therapy to help rebalance any emotional problems that are affecting the skin and I also recommend a balanced and nutritious diet with a reduced intake of any ‘trigger’ foods.
Skin problem: VERY DRY SKIN
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of very dry skin:
- An imbalanced diet
- Lack of sleep or physical exercise
- Excess worry or grief
- Exposure to dry heat, cold or wind
Typical TCM treatments for very dry skin:
- Chinese herbs to rebalance excess internal ‘dryness’ by nourishing and tonifying the blood and rebalancing the Lung energy
- Acupuncture treatment would depend on the individual’s presenting symptoms
- Also avoid prolonged skin exposure to dry heat, wind or cold
Skin problem: ECZEMA
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of eczema:
- Excess of spicy/greasy food or alcohol
- Eating too quickly or ‘on the go’ leading to poor digestion of food
- Excess stress, anxiety or grief
Typical TCM treatments for eczema:
- Chinese herbs to cool the blood, reduce excess ‘heat’ within the body, and rebalance the Lung and Kidney energy
- Acupuncture treatment to reduce excess heat and rebalance the energy of all organs
Skin problem: VERY OILY SKIN
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of very oily skin:
- Poor diet is often the main cause: particularly lack of fresh fruit and veg, and excess of greasy/oily food
- Poor skin cleansing regime
- Lack of fresh air and exercise or a sedentary lifestyle
Typical TCM treatments for very oily skin:
- Chinese herbs to nourish the blood, reduce excess ‘damp’ within the body and rebalance the Lung and Large Intestine energy
- Acupuncture treatment to rebalance digestion and the Large Intestine energy
Skin problem: ACNE
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of acne:
- For teens: blood and hormonal changes coupled with poor diet, lack of exercise and poor skin cleansing regime
- For adults: lifestyle stress, hormonal changes, poor diet, excessive dieting or faddish diets
Typical TCM treatments for acne:
- Chinese herbs to nourish the blood, tonify all the internal organs and reduce ‘heat’ and/or ‘wind’ within the body
- Acupuncture treatment would depend on the individual’s presenting symptoms
Skin problem: PSORIASIS
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of psoriasis:
As for eczema, plus…
- Extreme tension, stress, worry, grief or loneliness
A vitamin deficient diet and a sedentary lifestyle can also be a cause for older adults - Rubbing the rash will exacerbate the problem
Typical TCM treatments for psoriasis:
- Chinese herbs to cool the blood and reduce excess ‘heat’ and/or clear ‘wind’ within the body
- Acupuncture treatment to reduce excess ‘heat’ within the body
Skin problem: ROSACEA
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of rosacea:
- Sudden lifestyle changes or upheaval
- Unresolved emotional issues, excess worry, embarrassment, grief
- Poor diet
- Can get worse with the onset of the menopause
Typical TCM treatments for rosacea:
Chinese herbs to reduce excess ‘heat’ within the body and tonify the Kidney energy
Acupuncture treatment to reduce excess ‘heat’ and tonify the Kidney energy
TCM diagnosis of typical causes of hyperpigmentation:
- Often related to hormonal changes (menstruation, postpartum & menopause)
- Can reflect a natural decline in Liver energy as we age
- Exacerbated by worry and anxiety or poor diet, excesses alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle
Typical TCM treatments for hyperpigmentation:
Chinese herbs to reduce excess ‘heat’, nourish the blood and tonify the Liver energy
Acupuncture treatment to reduce excess ‘heat’ and tonify the Liver energy (and Kidney energy if appropriate).
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