how to speak your truth and why it matters

Living with truth, honesty and integrity is the way to inner-peace and lasting happiness.
You cannot love yourself if you lie to yourself or others.
In EPISODE #12 of our Walk the Wu Wei series you’ll learn why speaking your truth, both in your relationships and at work, is essential to an emotionally and spiritually healthy life.
You’ll discover:
~ The Taoist teaching on why speaking your truth connects you to your spirituality and highest-self (‘Shen‘), and why ‘love and truth come from the same seed’.
~ Why self-denial is a form of self-harm, and why lying to please others or to avoid confrontation will never work.
~ Practical tips on how and when to speak out and deliver your truth to others – and how to do this with strength, creativity and love.
~ Advice on how to manage any disagreement, confrontation and self-doubt that may arise from speaking your truth.
watch the video teaching
listen to the podcast
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