tips for christmas happiness, harmony & flow

The Christmas holiday period, with its change of routine and practical demands, can be a particularly challenging time for your emotional balance and wellbeing.
In this interview for Fit & Well Magazine, David James Lees shares his tips and positive affirmations for tackling some common Christmas issues and situations you may encounter.
“…Expectations rarely match reality! Holding onto a belief that Christmas should be a certain way is setting yourself up for frustration and failure…”

David, here are some Christmas scenarios that many of our readers encounter around Christmas time. We’d love to hear your advice on what we can do to stay calm, balanced and our ‘flow’…
scenario 1: Your expectation of Christmas doesn’t ever match reality
Expectations rarely match reality! Holding onto a belief that Christmas should be a certain way is setting yourself up for frustration and failure. Learn to savour the small stuff by becoming more realistic, flexible and embrace the unexpected.
Affirmation: ‘My Christmas won’t be ‘perfect’ but it will be unique to me.’
scenario 2: Your in-laws won’t stop interfering with your Christmas holiday plans and choices
Accept that their ‘way’ doesn’t have to be your way and that trying to change them may create more tension. Instead, concentrate on what you can control. Limit your exposure to their interfering by clearly defining the times you get together and focus on keeping a calm and balanced mindset before you react to them.
Affirmation: ‘What other people think of me is none of my business. I will remain calm and collected, regardless of what others do’.
scenario 3: You want to be a great host/hostess but you’re scared you’ll ruin Christmas dinner
Stop letting your monkey-mind project ahead and assume the worst will happen. Instead of worrying, use your time to get prepared: plan and trial-run a dinner that is manageable and comfortable for you and a menu that you can pre-prepare much of in advance of Christmas day.
Affirmation: ‘I will prepare dinner with 100% love and care for myself and those around me’.
scenario 4: The extended family are visiting and you know you’ll create a ‘drama’ with family members
Christmas time, with its many pressures, can expose all your insecurities. Creating a ‘drama’ is often a clever attention seeking strategy if you’re craving validation and positive strokes from others. The solution is to stop any negative self-talk as soon as it begins and become your own supportive cheerleader.
Affirmation: ‘I will not criticise, compare or be judgmental about myself or anyone else.’
scenario 5: You’re exhausted and feel resentful about doing everything this Christmas
Bottling up your frustrations and resentment is a form of self-harm. Start communicating with those around you: explain what you need and the practical things they can do to help – without criticising them! Learn to also firmly but politely say ‘no’ when you know you are taking on too much.
Affirmation: ‘I have nothing to prove. Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness.’
scenario 6: You and your family want to be on your own this Christmas, without extended family
Confront the issue and ‘speak your truth’ to those affected with sensitivity and as far in advance of Christmas as possible. You can also positively shift the focus of attention, by proposing an alternative family get-together and actively engage all parties in the planning of this new event.
Affirmation: ‘I value myself and my family enough to speak my truth.’
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