tao guide to the law of attraction (1/4)

Learn how to master the essential Law of Attraction principles from a Taoist perspective to attract abundance and manifest life goals. This article is part 1 of 4, and teaches the principle of ENERGY ALIGNMENT…
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The phenomenon of the Law of Attraction (also referred to as ‘The Secret’) swept through the States about 5 or 6 years ago and now seems to be having the same effect in the UK. I have had many emails and questions in my classes and workshops about what it actually means and how it works.
I also notice there are now expensive workshops taking place at the moment to pass on ‘The Secret’. I’m not sure how it can be a secret if it’s being sold and passed around (?!), nevertheless, my interpretation of the law of attraction or ‘The Secret’ is that it is based on the ancient Taoist principle of alignment of ‘Qi’.
This principle is not a secret, in fact quite the opposite – everyone knows of this Universal law and uses it daily in their lives, perhaps without realising or understanding they are doing so or that it is even a ‘law’.
So what is the ‘Law of Attraction’, ‘The Secret’, or the principle of Taoist alignment?
First I would like you to consider the principle of alignment and attraction in broad terms and to understand that is not a ‘mysterious’ secret only to be understood and practiced by a few. To illustrate my point I will use some analogies…see if these work for you!
[You already know of my reluctance to use analogies from previous posts as, because they cannot be perfect or 100% accurate as a way of explaining things, they will always give our ‘Ego’ an opportunity to jump in and undermine or discredit the point being made. Despite the disadvantages of using analogies, in this post I think a couple of them would help to set up the explanation before I go into more detail.]
…Imagine you were a successful music promoter wanting to attract a young teenage audience to your venue and make it a success, what music would you present?
Well I guess it would be a more difficult to fill your venue with teenagers if you were promoting a classical organ recital, not impossible as I’m sure there are several young people who love organ music, but logically the best chance of successfully attracting and aligning your venue to a large young audience would be by presenting what the majority enjoyed. Something like the latest chart band or the most creative music in a modern young atmosphere that would be exciting to your particular target group.
You would then design appropriate eye catching and modern posters and distribute and display them in places you knew your target audience would see them; perhaps on radio stations playing the music that corresponds with your promotion, or posting some details on websites with a large teenage following. Basically you would raise awareness amongst your target teenage audience to attracting as many as you could to your event.
Conversely, it would follow that if you wanted to attract a more mature audience the choice of music and atmosphere would be different (perhaps the classic organ music would be better suited here). Not better or worse, but just different, more appropriate or aligned with those individuals you are trying to attract and excite. Therefore if follows that your marketing strategy would also be totally different, attracting a different target group.
Another analogy would be if you loved sport, you wouldn’t tune your radio to a music channel to catch up with the football results or listen to a match. If you did you would be sorely disappointed at not getting what you wanted and desired!
Both these examples serve to illustrate the simple basic principle of law of ‘alignment’ and ‘attraction’:
By first understanding what we want to attract, and then making a conscious effort to align ourselves to this, through our thinking and actions, we are more likely to attract and receive what we desire.
This is common sense stuff and instinctively we all know and understand that the Universe works in exactly the same way!
The Universe, and all it has to offer us, is a constant flowing force. It doesn’t go away or turn its back on us or make judgements against us, good or bad – as with all nature, it just ‘is’. It simply waits for us to move towards, tune in, connect and align our energy, vibration or Qi, and for us open up and receive, through our authentic thoughts, intentions and actions.
So how can we attract what we authentically want into our lives?
All we need to do is align ourselves (our thoughts, words and actions) appropriately and authentically, with this Universal flow and energy to attract what we seek.
I believe that quite simply…
We should authentically ask for it
We should authentically believe it
We should authentically act like we already have it and live it!
I consider that each of these three steps are essential components of the principle of alignment and attraction, and all need to harmonise together to allow for positive change and results to flow.
My future posts will focus on and discuss each of these steps in turn – my next post will discuss the first step – ‘Asking’ for change and what we seek.
Meditate and consider the following:
- Do you live authentically, being grateful for what you already have?
- Do you take self-responsibility or would you prefer someone else to resolve life challenges for you?
- Do you fully understand and accept your personal/spiritual truth, purpose, and what you really want?
- Are your thoughts, words and actions, and so your vibration, in alignment with your authentic truth?
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