tao guide to the law of attraction (2/4)

Learn how to master the essential Law of Attraction principles from a Taoist perspective to attract abundance and manifest life goals. This article is part 2 of 4, and teaches the principle of AUTHENTIC ASKING…
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So, ‘ASKING’…it’s not as simple as it seems!
When I am teaching the Taoist principle of ‘attraction’ and ‘alignment’ people can often misunderstand its fundamental message; they will say to me “I have not got enough money, yet I am always asking for and wanting more…so it does not work, if fact it seems to get worse!” (Money always seems to be one of the key subjects of interest when teaching the law of attraction!)
There are two key things to understand here.
Firstly, the Universe it does not respond to, or analyse and translate just ‘words’ or verbal requests. It is attracted, and then aligns to all the Qi, energy or vibrations you are transmitting. Remember (from a previous post) Qi is in a state of abundance within the Universe but the Universe has not got an intelligence.
It cannot translate, second guess, understand or fill in the missing gaps of your verbal statements or wishes. It is not a supreme ‘brain’ who knows better than you what you want!
Accepting that our words are often supported by feelings and intentions, i.e. the Qi, energy or vibrations behind our words, brings me to the second and more fundamental point.
When you send ‘negative’ or ‘needy’ statements like “I have not got enough money and I really need more”, you are effectively sending out low vibration energy. The Universe can only align itself with the energy/vibration/Qi of your statements; it is a misunderstanding to believe that it can somehow interpret and correct, counteract, rebalance or overcompensate for ‘negatives’ or any low vibration messages you transmit.
We cannot expect the Universe to act with a supreme ‘brain’ and to somehow receive, understand, translate and deliver our personal desires if they are in conflict with the energy we are transmitting.
On a similar note, if you are not precise with your intentions and requests (for example, “my life [my job/family/partner/appearance etc.] really gets me down, I want things to be better!”), you cannot expect the Universe to second guess and deliver perfection to you without any effort on your part to clarify what it is you want to align yourself with or move towards.
In the same way that life coaches today teach us to create ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ goals to help us work constructively towards what we want in life, we also need to be positive, explicit and realistic in our requests and intentions.
The issue of ‘wanting’ is very powerful and worth exploring further…
The Universe cannot align itself with the negative concept of ‘wanting’, or ‘not having enough’ or ‘wanting more’. The Universe is in abundance and its nature (the way or Tao) is to solely align itself with your vibrations (your inner voice or Qi). It would be like telephoning the music radio station and asking for the football results to be broadcast immediately…as the station is unlikely to have this resource the best they could do would be to play a football song to try and please you. This would be totally unsuitable, but the closest alignment they have at their disposal to meet your request.
The Universe acts in a similar way. For example, when receiving the vibration of ‘not having enough money and wanting more’ as a state of needing, it will simply align with this state of needing by sending you more needing, or making its closest alignment. That’s why you are never satisfied and it feels like you are not getting what you desire, when actually your vibration request is being answered and aligned too after all!
[Anyway, what does wanting ‘more money’ mean to the Universe? Remember the Universe has no intelligence to translate, it just wants to align. How would it translate that, if it could…’more’ than what or whom? How much is more? Double, treble? Perhaps more importantly, what is money to the Universe? Money is not a currency of the Universe. ]
What can make things worse is, if we then feel like we are not getting what we want, or indeed are getting more of what we don’t want, our Ego can jump in and translate these unbalanced feelings into a statements such as: ‘your desires and wishes are not being met’, ‘you are not good enough’, ‘you never get what you want’.
These feelings of inadequacy and unfairness will in turn begin to send out more negative and low frequency vibrations. The Universe will then continue to align to and send you more of the same, and so the Ego circle is formed and the negative momentum continues.
So it follows that the next big question is – “how do I break out of, or change this Ego circle and attract positive vibrations or Qi into my life?”
Meditate and consider the following:
- Do you find yourself always wanting and needing?
- Does it seem like your never get what you want?
- Do you compare yourself negatively with others?
- Do you feel that the Universe treats you unfairly?
- Are you reaching your true potential?
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