tao guide to the law of attraction (3/4)

Learn how to master the essential Law of Attraction principles from a Taoist perspective to attract abundance and manifest life goals. This article is part 3 of 4, and teaches the principle of BELIEVING…
full teaching transcript
So, we now move on to consider the principle of ‘believing’…
Believing and trusting that it is truly possible to live in abundance is fundamental to breaking out of the ‘Ego circle’ and allowing positive Qi to be attracted towards us and our lives. It is a misunderstanding to believe that we somehow have to work extra hard, make huge sacrifices of our time, money or energy, or learn mysterious ways to ‘prove ourselves’ to a higher force, before abundance will be attracted to us.
When we move out of our Ego and into a more authentic and trusting place, then alignment with the Universal forces will flow naturally. It really is this simple, so much so that our Ego convinces us it CANNOT be this easy! But don’t be fooled by the Ego, as listening to our Ego rather than our Authentic Self can lead us away from abundance.
Learning to discipline our thinking and recognise when we are thinking from our Ego is therefore critical. When doubts about the power and abundance of the Universe creep into our thinking, simply say to yourself, ”No! – I trust that things will work out” – this will then allow you to return back to a more authentic and place where you are more aligned with the Universe.
When you let go and begin to trust in this way, you will find that you start to think like the person you are striving to become. The Universe is then attracted to this Qi or energy and attracts more of the same to you; thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But it is not enough just to ‘think it’…if you also begin to ‘act as if you already have it’, then the energy you send out to the Universe becomes even more powerful, and so in turn is its response to you.
This point highlights the final step: ‘LIVING IT’.
Living in abundance, though our thoughts, words and actions, will attract more of the same from the Universe. Even when we feel we are not yet in the place we strive to be, if we act as if we are, this can be incredibly powerful in terms of tapping into and attracting what we want.
So, in conclusion you have always known about this natural ‘Law of Attraction’, and indeed it has also worked for you in the past, but because of our Ego we do not maintain and continue with the practice of asking, trusting and ‘acting as if’.
All too often we can lose faith when presented with a perceived setback, challenge or learning experience, which tests our purpose and resolve. In these situations we can easily abandon the practice of believing and ‘acting as if’, choosing instead to return back to our old Ego beliefs and associated ways of thinking and acting, and thus change the vibrations we put out to the Universe.
The ‘Law of Attraction’ is something you practice in our lives every day and in every way. It is the way you think, the way you talk, the words you use, the clothes you wear, the food and drink that you consume, the way you carry yourself – everything about you attracts something from the Universe.
So, reflect on your current life situation and take a moment to consider how you arrived in this position, at this time in your life. Acknowledge, accept and own that it is a reflection of what you have been attracting in the past. If you want to attract a different future begin by acting like you already have it right now.
So for instance, if you are about to go for a new job or an interview consider how you would act if you were already doing that job, how you would think, talk, dress, the knowledge you would need and have, then act and be that way at the interview.
Then the vital thing to remember is, if, for whatever reason you did not secure the job, do not revert back to the old patterns of behaviour: feeling sorry for yourself; blaming yourself or others; believing that the Universe has got a vendetta against you; or have any other of the negative and harmful thoughts.
This may be a time to learn and understand the lesson of acceptance, indeed the job may in fact not have been suitable for you or something even better may be just around the corner.
It is therefore imperative that you continue thinking and acting in a way that attracts what you positively desire for your life – have unwavering trust. This if you do this, it will happen!
In my next post I will discuss some simple concepts to help us on the way to living in abundance – right now…
Meditate and consider the following:
- How much of your life and the lives of others do you try to control?
- When was the last time you ‘let go’ and trusted that things would work out?
- What was the outcome of this situation and what did you learn?
- What stops you from ‘letting go’ more often?
- When was the last time your intentionally ‘acted as if’, and did it work for you?
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