sound healing therapy | ancient taoist healing sounds

In this interview for Health & Wellbeing Magazine, David James Lees shares his simple Taoist sound healing exercises that you can use every day for a healthy mind and body.
“…Taoists use the Six Healing Sounds to help move internal Qi (chi) energy ‘blockages’ and rebalance wellbeing…”

sound healing basics
Modern science now supports the ancient belief that all matter comes from vibration or sound and physicists have found that the physical world is made up of vibrating energy.
Traditional Chinese medicine considers that all illness manifests from blockages or stagnations of this energy or Qi (Chi) within the body. The vibration of sound can be used as an effective form of healing that can help clear Qi stagnations and stimulate the flow of Qi around the body.
taoist six healing sounds
Taoists use the powerful Six Healing Sounds, also known as the Six-Syllable Secret or the Six Basic Soundless Sounds, for healing and the practice is attributed to a six-century Buddhist hermit.
These sounds help eliminate stress, move internal energetic ‘blockages’ and rebalance health and wellbeing. Each sound is associated with an organ and with a phase from the Five Phases System of Chinese metaphysics.
You can practise each sound in turn for a whole-body sound workout or just focus on the sound related to the emotion you want to shift and rebalance.
anger reducing healing sound
‘Shooo..’ – this healing sound will rebalance the energy of the Liver and Gallbladder organs which are related to the emotion of anger.
joy boosting healing sound
‘Haaaw..’ – this healing sound will stimulate the energy of Heart and Small Intestine organs which are related to the emotion of joy.
melancholy reducing healing sound
‘Whooo..’ – this healing sound will rebalance the energy of the Spleen and Stomach organs which are related to the emotions of brooding and melancholy.
sorrow reducing healing sound
‘Tzzzz…’ – this healing sound will rebalance the energy of the Lung and Large Intestine organs which are related to the emotions of sorrow and sadness.
fear reducing healing sound
‘Ch-way…’ – this healing sound will stimulate the energy of the Kidneys and Gall Bladder which are related to the emotion of fear.
+ extra healing sound!
‘Sheee…’ – this healing sound will stimulate the energy of the Triple Burner organ. It’s not related to a specific emotion but is a great additional healing sound to complete the set!
using instruments to create healing sounds
During our waking state, the normal frequency of our brain waves is Beta. Sound tools entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies. These are the frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind and intuition.
Ancient instruments, including Tibetan singing bowls, can be ‘struck and sung’ in specific rhythmic patterns to create vibrational sound harmonics at the frequency of “AUM” or “OM”. This sound frequency impacts the sympathetic nervous system as your brain waves synchronise to the vibrations of the bowls.
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