Why Am I Unsatisfied With Life? Inner Child Perfectionism Explained

episode summary

Are you always unsatisfied with life? Do you strive for perfection and always want more, no matter how much you achieve? If so, this teaching is for you!

Episode highlights

In this teaching, we reveal:


  • The real reason we become unsatisfied with life.
  • Why common gratitude practices don’t work.
  • Why our out-of-control inner child strives for a perfect life.
  • Practical techniques and tips to help you find lasting inner-peace, contentment and happiness.

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Disclaimer: This show episode and any associated teaching and comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. Our show episodes provide general information for educational purposes only and are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.