you are the creator of your emotions not a victim of them

Your emotions are not your enemy, they are a helpful inner-guide.
Every emotional feeling you experience, you have created, and you always have a choice to create positive feelings and emotions. In EPISODE #33 of our Walk the Wu Wei series, we explain how.
You’ll learn:
~ the origin of ALL your emotional feelings (both positive and negative), and why every emotion you experience is created by YOU
~ why emotional sensitivity is not a weakness, and how to understand and use your emotions as a force for good in your life
~ why ‘positive thinking’ is not always possible or desirable, and why some uncomfortable or painful emotions (such as grief or sadness) are both natural and appropriate
~ why blaming other people, external situations or past events for your emotional feelings will only disempower you and ‘block’ your flow
~ why avoiding or ‘masking’ any uncomfortable or painful emotions, by using drugs, alcohol, over-eating and other unhealthy lifestyle habits, will never work and are self-harming
~ helpful strategies and advice for taking full self-responsibility for your feelings and emotions, and how to use meditation as part of this process
~ practical tips for compassionately confronting, questioning and managing your thoughts and emotions so that you control them and they do not control you.
watch the video teaching
listen to the podcast
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