tao guide to the law of attraction (4/4)

Learn how to master the essential Law of Attraction principles from a Taoist perspective to attract abundance and manifest life goals. This article is part 4 of 4, and teaches the principles of AUTHENTICITY, ACCEPTANCE and GRATITUDE…
full teaching transcript
So, some final thoughts on how to live in abundance right now…
Some important concepts to consider and meditate on are ‘acceptance’, ‘gratitude’, ‘kindness’ and ‘love’….but first a few words about ‘authenticity’…
Authenticity and abundance
Being authentic is one of the most powerful intentions we can aim for. The Universe will readily recognise, respond to and align with positive vibrations of our authentic actions, thoughts and motives.
This is such a big and interesting subject I will make it my next blog posting ‘Being your Authentic Self’. But for now I would summarise being authentic as being true, balanced and harmonious to your inner, true self.
It is a state of being, without deception, avoidance, perverseness, fear, and any of the other imbalanced actions and thoughts we have. Even though it is a natural state, we can often find it a challenge to maintain our authentic nature.
We all can recognise the feeling of authenticity and know when we are being authentic. It is at these times when things seem to flow seamlessly; when positive things or meaningful coincidences happen; problems seem to melt away; we feel attuned and supported by a higher force that gives us insight, inner calm and boundless energy; we feel more alive!
Acceptance and abundance
We should seek to use all our life experiences, good and bad, as a positive learning and opportunities for growth, rather carrying these experiences with us as a form of ‘baggage’ that causes us to think we are somehow different or set apart from others – what I term as ‘Special’, and therefore entitled to have greater or lesser expectations of ourselves, others, or life in general.
As soon as we start to ‘expect’ and make judgements based on misunderstandings such as this, we move from a neutral, open and authentic place to one driven by the Ego.
One of the wonderful harmonious attributes we have as human beings is a need to strive for our true potential. This momentum and drive is a vital part of our Authentic Self and should never be compromised or moved ‘out of balance’.
As soon as we start to believe we are somehow ‘Special’ or set apart from others we begin to view the world in a misaligned way. We should equally be aware of not getting caught up in our own self importance or becoming selfish in our attention to our own needs.
We must always remember that there are no different rules or concessions for us, regardless of the good or bad experiences we have had during our lives.
The Universe and nature is not a giant ‘fairness computer’ that somehow inputs our life experiences, actions, behaviours and thoughts, and then analyses and make judgements upon this information in an effort to make our lives more ‘fair’ and ‘just ’, in a way that corresponds to and satisfies our own personal criteria and expectations.
As someone once reminded me; “It does not matter if you have been a good or bad person or if you’ve had a hard or fortunate life, if you get run over by a truck, the result is the same!”
Acceptance and learning, rather than being judgemental and expecting, are then key to moving towards our authentic potential and aligning to the way of the Universe or ‘Tao’. Once we find ourselves if a place of acceptance we lay the foundations for understanding, receiving and taking advantage of the natural ‘Law of Attraction’ and the abundance and potential of the Universe.
Gratitude and abundance
Because of our inbuilt desire to strive and work towards our true potential, whatever that may be, it is very easy to forget just how fortunate we are at this moment in time. This is despite the fact that the media exposes us on a daily basis to the varied, and often unfortunate, circumstances that other human beings have to endure in their lives.
Through my daily work I regularly experience clients complaining and comparing themselves with and against others (in a very perverse way), or continually ‘moving the goalposts’ in their assessment of their own achievements and goals, so they never get any real and lasting sense of satisfaction or ease.
A few moments each day spent meditating on all the things you should be grateful for will allow you to see the bigger, authentic picture and will move you to a more balanced and authentic state of mind and being.
I have never questioned a ‘blessing’ and said “Only this? I could do with more!”, instead I am grateful for every part of my life and how fortunate I am. Remember the ‘Law of Attraction’ does ‘what it says’ and attracts, so if you feel unfairly or unjustly treated, unfortunate, unlucky, or ungrateful, you only attract more of the same… if you feel blessed then you will attract more blessings – in abundance!
Kindness and abundance
Kindness would seem to be one of the easiest qualities for a human being to feel and express. Indeed, many of my clients would put kindness to others as one of their top attributes (and it may also be one of the attributes that they believe is misused or taken advantage by others), yet I often wonder and explore with them their kindness towards themselves.
Kindness is not about giving to others without question or consideration, regardless of the merits or demerits of doing so; indeed sometimes ‘being cruel to be kind’ rings true. We should avoid becoming a ‘doormat’ and being taken advantage of by others through our kind acts; or a ‘martyr’ where, over a sustained period, our kind actions and sacrifices can have negative and debilitating repercussions on ourselves.
The kindness I am asking you to consider is a kind, open, balanced, harmonious and loving nature directed towards yourself first, and then allowing this positive energy to flow outwards from yourself towards others and the wider Universe.
A very common misunderstanding I discuss with my clients is that it is NOT selfish to love yourself! Selfishness would be not letting love flow into and through you to others. Act as if you were a conduit of Universal energy, love and kindness. Being part of this flow aligns you with the Universe, and then the Law of Attraction works for you in a very powerful way.
By being kind to yourself and self-focussed you are ensuring that you remain healthy and positive, and are then in turn in a far stronger position to give of yourself to others. By missing yourself out of the equation and giving only to others, you place yourself in a more vulnerable and weaker position, expecting others to somehow ‘top you up’ with their acts of kindness.
Surely it is better to receive positive energy and love directly from the Universe and then direct these blessings towards yourself first, than to be relying on the kindness of others to sustain you?
Knowing how, when and how much kindness to give to ourselves and others is also something we need to be mindful of. The Taoist concept of knowing when to ‘STOP’ applies here, by which I mean that deep inner knowledge of instinctively knowing when it is ‘too little’ or ‘too much’ and acting upon this knowledge. A pint jug can only hold a pint…less and the jug is not full, more and it is overfilled.
Listen and trust yourself to know the difference and the point at which the limit has been reached, regardless of the feedback of others who may be saying “this is not enough” or ”you are being too generous/giving” or ”you are being selfish”. Give what feels authentically right for you and the Universe will align with this and give back to you in the same way – in abundance!
Love and abundance
Love and kindness are happy bedfellows. So much has been spoken, written and sung about love it would be impossible for me to satisfy everyone’s interpretation. It is easy to love and be loved when we are in an authentic place, but more difficult when our Ego is involved generating false ‘agendas’, ‘expectations’ and ‘pre-conditions’ on love.
I think one of the greatest challenges we can face on a daily basis is how to feel love and remain loving and giving when events and people can test and challenge our authentic and loving nature; or when we are in an Ego state and feel that a situation is hopeless or not worthy of our loving attention.
Perhaps I could pass on a little mantra I say to myself in times of stress and tension:
‘Where is the LOVE in this?’
Ask yourself this question and you will always authentically know there is something positive to be found in any situation, and from this place love will naturally flow to and from you – in abundance!
Meditate and consider the following:
- What stops you from being authentic more often?
- How challenging is it for you to ‘accept’ and learn from difficult life events?
- What have you to be grateful for right now?
- When was the last time you acknowledged this gratitude?
- What do you do on a daily basis to show yourself kindness and love?
- How do you remain open and loving when faced with challenging people or events?
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